Chance Harbor
<center>Live your life in mysterious Chance Harbor, small town in USA, full of secrets. You can be part of the secret circle, lonley witch, hunter or just a normal human. No one is safe in this town, you have to think twice before messing with the people here. Trust no one, love on one, they might stab you from behind.

What is this? Tumblr_m364idiPC01r1t69g What is this? Tumblr_m364lwUT4d1r1t69g</center>
Chance Harbor
<center>Live your life in mysterious Chance Harbor, small town in USA, full of secrets. You can be part of the secret circle, lonley witch, hunter or just a normal human. No one is safe in this town, you have to think twice before messing with the people here. Trust no one, love on one, they might stab you from behind.

What is this? Tumblr_m364idiPC01r1t69g What is this? Tumblr_m364lwUT4d1r1t69g</center>
Chance Harbor
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Forum, posvečen znani seriji The Secret Circle. -Live your life in Chance Harbor, small town in USA, full of secrets.
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Wiuuu! Ful pridno pišete in posti
so kakovostni in imajo lepo dolžino.
Kar tako naprej!
;D mommy's are so proud!
What is this? La110
Dobrodošli na našem RPG forumu. Prijavite se in se vživite v vlogo čarovnika, nadnaravnega bitja, izganjalca ali navadnega človeka, ter skupaj z nami pišite zgodbo o življenju v majhnem in skrivnostnem mestu (forum temelji na znani seriji The Secret Circle, dodali smo samo še nekaj svojih idej, da bo bolj zanimivo). HF :*
What is this? La310
This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me...

Main administrator:
Amy Blackwell
What is this? Susan_10
What is this? La210Prvotna zasnova foruma je ideja adminke Amy Blackwell. Grafiko in vsebino foruma sta naredili Amy in Lanna Atwood Blackthorne. Vse ideje so last foruma Chance Harbor a.k.a C.H. Forum je PREPOVEDANO kopirati.


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Lanna Atwood Blackthorne

Lanna Atwood Blackthorne

Število prispevkov : 242
Join date : 24/03/2012

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: What is this?   What is this? EmptySob Apr 28, 2012 4:48 am

Hm.. Kaj je to? Tu vsak lahko objavlja kar želi! Rumeni tisk o slavnih, slike.... Svoje sanjsko življenje.. Kar želite. Začnimo s prvo temo na katero boste lahko pisali:
2. Jason Derulo (navdih: Breathing)
3. 1D
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